Newport Beach, California is located on the Southern California coast and enjoys a cool, coastal climate almost year around.
Average temperatures for the year are in the upper sixties, with the later spring, the summer and early fall months averaging in the low seventies. There is almost always a cool marine layer of fog in the early mornings, burning off to sunshine later in the day.
Newport Beach stays sunny almost year around, with an average of just over ten inches of rain per year. While it is a “seaside town”, Newport is a big city with property spanning from oceanfront inland to mountains. Depending where you live or are visiting – and what time of year – will dictate how to prepare for weather.
Unless there is a cold front rolling through when you are here, you can wear shorts or lighter summer wear all year, as long as you bring a jacket for the early morning, dusk and after dark. During the summers, you can get away with shorts or summer year full-time.
If you chill easily, always bring a light jacket, windbreaker or sweatshirt when you visit and you should be able to stay warm. If you plan on visiting the famed Fashion Island outdoor shopping mall, with its acres and acres of open, uncovered walkways or if you plan on taking a whale watching tour out of Newport Harbor, you can still wear summer clothes, but bring a jacket or other layers just in case.
Out on the water, it is almost always breezy and if you go earlier in the day, when there is a light marine layer, you will get cold. Fashion Island – as well as many of the outdoor properties, restaurants and shops – almost all have patio warmers to keep you warm if needed.
If you want to look online there are a lot of websites that tell you the weather and some are more accurate than others. You’ll want to figure out where to find real weather reports in real time to get the best results.
There are actually quite a few webcams that you can watch online for free that show you what the weather is like in the area. Sometimes by mixing radar results with webcam footage, you can get to know what to expect as you go out there to visit the area.
Like San Diego – another coastal town here in Southern California – the climate in Newport Beach is almost perfect. It hardly rains, never gets too hot or too cold and you can enjoy outside activities all year around.