We have all been there…
You are home enjoying a nice glass a wine when, OOPS – your glass of wine gets knocked over and now you have a red wine stain on your beautiful carpet.
If you don’t clean the stain immediately and don’t know how to clean the spill up properly, you will end up with an ugly stain that requires a professional carpet cleaning company for removal.
Here are 5 Easy Steps to Cleaning Wine Spills, followed by additional guidelines and how to make the homemade solutions you will need to help you.
5 Easy Steps for Cleaning Wine Spills
- Apply homemade detergent cleaning solution and blot dry
- Apply homemade vinegar solution and blot dry
- Apply homemade ammonia solution and blot dry
- If necessary, bleach with 3 to 5 % hydrogen peroxide or sodium perborate
- Rinse thoroughly with water and blot until dry
Additional Guidelines
- Blot up spills with clean, white, absorbent materials such as towels, napkins, tissues etc. remove solid built-up materials with a rounded tablespoon, spatula or edge of a dull knife.
- PRETEST SPOT-REMOVAL AGENTS in an inconspicuous area (under a sofa cushion, on an area of carpet under or behind a piece of furniture). Apply several drops of solution on the article and rub gently with a clean, white towel. If color transfers to the cloth or a color change occurs, a professional cleaner should be consulted or alternate spotting solution used.
- DO NOT OVER WET. Use small amounts of the cleaning agents and blot frequently. Always blot, do not rub or brush. Work from the outer edge of the spot towards the center to prevent rings or spreading.
- Beginning with step 1, treat the stained area with each spotting solution until the stain is removed, IT MAY BE NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE ENTIRE SERIES OF STEPS. The final step is always to gently rinse the area with water, and then absorb all the remaining moisture with absorbent towels.
- BE PATIENT. Some stains respond slowly. All spots and stains cannot be removed from every fabric due to differences in fibers, dyes, constructions, finishes, composition of the stain, length of time the stain has remained on the article, etc. SOME STAINS REQUIRE PROFESSIONAL TREATMENT.
How to Make Homemade Cleaning Solutions
- Detergent Solution (NDS): Mix one teaspoonful of a colorless, mild detergent in a cup of lukewarm water.
- Alkaline Solution (ADS): Mix one tablespoon of clear household ammonia with one-half cup of water or 7% solution.
- Vinegar Solution (Acid): Mix one-third cup of white household vinegar with two-thirds cup of water. Professional cleaners may use up to 28% acetic acid solution or a tannin solution.
- Enzyme Detergent (EDS): Mix a solution of enzyme detergent following the directions on the label. Do NOT soak or over wet. Allow the solution to remain on the stain for the recommended length of time before removing. Professional cleaners may prefer to use digestors separate from detergents.
- Bleach: Use hydrogen peroxide or sodium perborate, present in Snowy or Clorox II. Do NOT use chlorine bleach.